My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I really liked this book because it was a quick read. I miss those. It seems that I have been attracted to books lately that take weeks to read, so it is a nice break to read a book in a day. With only 199 pages, fast dialogue, and likeable characters, I would recommend this book to adults that don't mind a few swear words. Really happy with the characters decision in the end. Everytime I read about her boyfriend, Adam... I could only picture Adam Lambert from American Idol last season. Kinda disturbing in that way, but it fit the description(except the sexual preference obviously!!)
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Had no idea about this blog of yours. Good idea. I enjoy a good read, but find other things taking up my time (or I'm just lazy). Anyway, good suggestions on books. I'll have to try out some of your reads.